
摘要:shields,shield是什么意思英语 关于shields可能家人们还不了解,今天爱六八收集了shields相关资料为大家介绍:What is Shields and What Does Shield Mean in English?Shields or Shield is a term commonly used in English,...




What is Shields and What Does Shield Mean in English?

Shields or Shield is a term commonly used in English, and it has multiple meanings depending on the context. In this article, we will explore these various meanings and provide a detailed description of each. So, let"s dive in!

1. Shield as a Noun

1.1. A shield can refer to a piece of defensive armor used to protect the body during combat or warfare. It is typically made of metal or wood and is held in front of the body to block or deflect attacks from weapons such as swords, arrows, or spears.

1.2. In a figurative sense, a shield can symbolize protection or defense against harm or danger. An example is the phrase "take up your shield," which suggests being prepared to face challenges and obstacles.

1.3. In science and technology, a shield can represent a protective covering or barrier used to prevent or reduce the transmission of heat, sound, or electromagnetic interference. For instance, a heat shield is commonly used on spacecraft to protect them during re-entry into the Earth"s atmosphere.

2. Shield as a Verb

2.1. As a verb, "to shield" means to protect or defend someone or something from harm, danger, or unwanted influence. It implies providing a safeguarding barrier or taking action to ensure safety. For example, a parent may shield their child from harm by ensuring they live in a safe environment.

2.2. It can also indicate the act of hiding or protecting oneself from something undesirable, such as shielding one"s eyes from bright light or shielding one"s emotions from others.

3. Shield in Heraldry

3.1. In the field of heraldry (study of coats of arms and armorial bearings), a shield refers to the central element of a coat of arms. It is typically a flat surface of various shapes, such as rectangular or round, and is used as a canvas for displaying colorful and symbolic designs.

3.2. Shields in heraldry often represent family lineages, achievements, or significant aspects of the individual or institution to which the coat of arms belongs. They have a long-standing tradition and are used to identify and differentiate individuals or families.

4. Shield in Sports

4.1. In sports, specifically team sports, a shield can denote various things. In some cases, it represents a trophy or an award given to the winning team or player in a competition or league. The shield may be inscribed with the team"s name or emblem.

4.2. Additionally, shield can refer to a formation or strategy used in sports like soccer or American football, where players align themselves in a defensive shape to protect their goal or the ball carrier. This defensive formation is commonly known as the "shield formation."

In conclusion, the term "shields" or "shield" has multiple meanings in the English language. It can represent a piece of defensive armor, symbolize protection or defense, indicate safeguarding or hiding oneself, have significance in heraldry, or be associated with sports and formations. The context in which the term is used determines its interpretation. Understanding these various meanings allows for clearer comprehension and effective communication.









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